Note: draft content


Artes Martiales Occidentales is an online scholarly journal open to contributions relating to personal combat arts of the Middle Ages and early modern period, approximately 500 to 1700 C.E. The primary emphasis is on western Europe during this period, but non-western studies are also included, as are subjects outside the period if they are pertinent to the subject matter and methodology of the core area.


Welcome to the Artes Martiales Occidentales or AMO online journal. The journal project was developed by David M. Cvet, President of the Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts (AEMMA) in Toronto, however, the initial idea was sparked by one of the students of the Academy, by the name of Ariella Elema, a Ph.D. student of the University of Toronto early 2009. David, thinking this was a great idea, applied resources to make the idea become a reality. Partnering up with Dr. Jeff Forgeng and the Higgins Armory, the concept evolved further, to the AMO as it appears today.

The vision for this journal, is to create a repository of scholarly contributions, and centralize making these invaluable resources available to both researchers and practitioners of the combat arts. Subjects which may be touched on include detailed examination behind the masters who wrote the combat treatises of the period, the impact of the combat styles on personal defense or even possibly, on the political environment of the period. Other topics can include the examination of arms and armour of the period, and their impact on warfare, politics and belief systems.

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